The Fund for the Promotion of Military and Police Housing shall fulfill the following functions in accordance with article 3 of Law 973 of 2005:
Encourage voluntary savings of its members.
Organize special systems for managing affiliates' resources, through trust entities, banks or other entities of the financial sector supervised by the Banking Superintendence.
Enter to contracts of mandate, management, fiduciary administration and public trust contracts in the different modalities, in accordance with the norms of Law 80 of 1993, or those that add, modify or replace it.
Receive and manage the contributions of its members.
Keep a record of the contributions of its members through individual accounts.
Pay affiliates the savings that are transferred to the Savings Bank by the Ministry of National Defense and the National Police.
Grant mortgage credit to its members, destined to obtain housing and organize special systems and procedures for that purpose, in accordance with the provisions of the paragraph of the first article of Law 546 of 1999, when they meet the time required to access to the housing solution.
Identify the housing needs of its members, by relatively homogeneous category, so that they can collectively participate in specific projects.
Identify new or pre-owned housing projects in the market to facilitate the acquisition of housing for members through the available systems.
At the request of the affiliates, promote the execution of housing programs, advise their connection to these and ensure compliance with the technical and financial conditions agreed.
Exercise on behalf of the affiliates, the technical advice of the development of the housing programs to which the affiliates are linked.
Manage the achievement of technical and financial subsidies and support that help improve access to housing for members.
Other functions which, corresponding to its object, it is necessary to advance for adequate fulfillment.