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Mission & Vision
Fecha de publicación:

Strategic Direction 2019-2022



By 2026, 62,116 housing solutions will be delivered to members of the Public Force affiliated with the Military and Police Housing Promotion Fund.



LThe Military and Police Housing Promotion Fund provides housing solutions and manages the contributions of members with transparency, effectiveness and digital focus, supported by a human team with a vocation for service, an innovative spirit and leadership for satisfaction and well-being of the members of the Public Force.



The Fund for the Promotion of Military and Police Housing is projected as a nationally recognized financial entity which has a center of gravity: the human being. Its management is based on digital technology, computer security and financial soundness for delivering of security solutions. Housing and administration of resources of its members contribute in this way to the economic and social development of the Nation.


Strategic objectives


1.      Provide housing solutions for the well-being and safety of members and their families.

2.      Generate returns with security and financial sustainability.

3.      Optimize organizational, budgetary and logistical resources.

4.      Develop Human Talent competencies and consolidate the work happiness model.

5.      Promote innovation and digital transformation in service provision and continuous improvement of processes.

6.      Strengthen Corporate Social Responsibility practices.



Institutional values


The Promotion Fund for Military and Police Housing has institutionalized corporate values so that they serve as a guideline in the actions of each of the public servants, generating a climate of healthy coexistence, mutual respect in relationships with their colleagues and providing of service to stakeholders.

Honesty: I always act based on the truth, fulfilling my duties with transparency and rectitude, and always favoring the general interest.

Commitment: I am aware of the importance of my role as a Civic servant and I am permanently ready to understand and resolve the needs of the people with whom I interact in my daily work, always seeking to improve their well-being.

Justice: I act with impartiality guaranteeing the rights of people, with equity, equality and without discrimination.

Respect: I recognize, value and treat all people with dignity, with their strengths and weaknesses, regardless of their work, their origin, titles or any other condition.

Diligence: I fulfill the duties, functions and responsibilities assigned to my position in the best possible way, with attention, promptness, skill and efficiency, in order to optimize the use of State resources.

Loyalty: I own the ability to work as part of a team and for the benefit of the members of the Military and Police Housing Promotion Fund, always being faithful to personal and institutional values and principles.

Excellence: I make it a habit of life to do things with high quality, through learning and continuous improvement. 

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